There are plenty of ideas out there about how best to organize your crops. Some people believe that different plants should be mixed together so as to discourage pests or create visually interesting garden scenes. Since there are virtually infinite crop combinations, it is impossible to give a set of exact rules for planting. But in this chapter from our book “Food Grown Right, In Your Backyard”, we share some general guidelines that should make garden planning easier.
Read MoreBuilding a raised bed vegetable garden video: Drip Irrigation Parts List
Here’s a list of all the irrigation parts we talk about and use in our drip irrigation video series on building a raised bed vegetable garden:
drip tape - we prefer the brand Aqua Traxx, and that’s what we use, but haven’t been able to find a link to the correct pressure and emitter spacing, so this is the closest we can find!
Our new how-to video series: Building a raised bed vegetable garden!
Welcome to our new YouTube series! Learn how to pick a garden site, build vegetable garden beds and install drip irrigation.
Read MoreMid-Summer Succession Planting
Mid-July brings warmer weather to many regions, and this weather brings the end of pea season. It’s also the time when garlic and onions (bulbing alliums) have matured and are ready to be pulled from the garden to make room for another crop. So...what’s next? Just when you thought your garden was full and it was time to sit back and enjoy the bounty, it’s time to start planting again! There’s rarely a dull moment in a high-yield vegetable garden!
Read MoreDrip Irrigation Q+A
Installing a drip irrigation system on an automatic timer is one of the most effective ways to improve your garden’s productivity, while saving you time and money. Drip irrigation is a system of narrow plastic tubes that deliver water at a slow rate directly to the surface of the soil. Since the water is emitted slowly, it has time to soak into the soil, rather than run off or through the soil. A properly installed and monitored drip system will deliver just the right amount of water with very little waste.
Read MoreTo Build Wood-Framed Beds, Or Not To Build Wood-Framed Beds?
“To build wood-framed beds, or not to build wood-framed beds?” That seems to be the question many gardeners have on their minds right now. There are pros and cons to both gardening system and I’ll be discussing them here.
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