In episode 119 of the Encyclopedia Botanica podcast, host Hilary Dahl is joined by her husband and business partner, Colin McCrate, to dig into the cultivation of broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage.
Read MoreSuccessful Homegrown Cilantro
Homegrown cilantro ready to harvest!
I think it’s time we have a talk about cilantro. This popular herb is quite possibly the most misunderstood crop in the vegetable garden. If you’ve ever said something akin to: “I can’t grow cilantro. Whenever I try, it bolts right away!”, you’re not alone.
Read MoreGrowing Vegetable Transplants at Home
Homegrown vegetable transplants that are ready to be planted out into the garden!
Every plant in your garden has to come from somewhere, and for most home vegetable gardeners, that “somewhere” is either a seed in a packet or a transplant tray in a garden center. For the ambitious and curious few, there’s a third way to populate a backyard vegetable patch growing your own transplants at home.
Read MoreCrops you'll love to grow on the Freyr trellis!
Harvesting homegrown zucchini off of the Freyr vegetable garden trellis
A surprising number of annual crops benefit from the support of a trellis. Because we love trellised crops and because we’ve been trialing a ton of varieties, we started carrying a selection of Renee’s Garden seeds in our shop! Here is a short list of some of our favorite crops and varieties to grow vertically in the garden and links to our store where you can find our favorite types:
Read MoreFall Tomato Care
Tomato plants supported by vertical strings on a Freyr trellis.
There are very few vegetable gardens without tomato plants. Unless you’re allergic, it’s hard to imagine why you wouldn’t want them. A healthy tomato plant is beautiful, bountiful and provides a quality of fruit that is virtually impossible to get from a store (although possible to get from a farm stand). Regardless of the length of your tomato harvest season, it’s always a priority to extend it as much as possible.
Read MoreHow to grow tomatoes
San Marzano and Brandywine tomatoes growing on a Freyr trellis using a vertical string support method
Tomatoes are an incredible crop and probably the most popular garden vegetable. The tomato originated in South America and eventually made its way into the cuisine of just about every culture on the planet.
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