A planting calendar is just what it sounds like: something you can look at each week to determine how much of each crop to plant. Whether you're planning grow enough peppers to pickle for the winter or want to have a supply of arugula in the garden for fresh salads all summer long, a calendar is there to help you make the most out of your garden space!
Read More2014: Year of the Tomato
It turned out 2014 was all about tomatoes! Tomatoes seem to be the crop that excites our clients and gardeners all around Seattle the most. While tomatoes are very easy to grow in many parts of the country, our summers tend to be relatively cool and short. While many Seattle transplants are used to eating fresh tomatoes off of the vine all summer long, it isn’t uncommon that we find ourselves harvesting tons of green tomatoes off dying vines at the end of September.
Read MoreStoring Root Vegetables
If properly managed, storage crops can last through the entire winter and even into the following spring, allowing you to eat from your garden even when you don't feel like going outside in the cold to pick salad greens. Below are the very basic rules for storage of a few different common storage crops, check out our book for more in depth information...
Read More5 Ways to Prepare Your Garden For Winter
Like it or not, the end of summer is hurtling towards us at unbelievable speed, like a gigantic meteor hell-bent on disheveling Elijah Woods hair. There is little we can do, but getting the vegetable garden in order seems like a good way to make the most of the time we have left…and why not make sure things are ready for next spring just in case the Mayans miscalculated…
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