In episode 116 of the Encyclopedia Botanica podcast, host Hilary Dahl interviews Stefani Bittner, owner of Homestead Design Collective and author, about her latest book, 'The Fragrant Flower Garden.'
Read MoreEpisode 91: Basil
Basil is one of those crops that almost everyone wants to grow. It's relatively versatile and it is one of the most productive crops per plant that you can grow in your garden. In this episode Hilary is joined by former Seattle Urban Farm Co. colleague and farmer, Skip Mackintosh to discuss their time-tested techniques for making the most of the space you've dedicated to basil.
Read MoreEpisode 15: Woody Herbs
In this episode, we focus on woody perennial herbs. These easy-to-grow plants tend to get neglected, but they’re actually really easy to keep nice and tidy. With a few simple steps, you can care for your herbs while also harvesting your crop!
Read MoreEncyclopedia Botanica Podcast, Episode 4: Cilantro
Cilantro ready to harvest
This week we will be talking about the herb cilantro. There are so many interesting herbs, that I will revisit the subject in subsequent podcasts, but for now I want to focus on one of my very favorite crops to grow, cilantro.
Read MoreCut Back Your Herbs
This time of year many perennial herbs are flowering or just about to flower. It is important to cut back perennial herbs because the stems that flower will soon die and turn woody. If you look closely at a healthy flowering perennial herb plant, you will notice that there is new growth pushing up from the base of the plant. By cutting back the old growth you are making room for those new shoots!
More With Less: Creating a Productive Vegetable Garden in under 15 Square Feet
Just because you don’t have an expansive, sunny backyard doesn’t mean you can’t have your own little slice of vegetable garden heaven. You can can grow vegetables and herbs at nearly any home if you have enough enthusiasm and creativity.
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