Backyard beekeeping of honeybees is a great way to increase the number of pollinators in your garden, learn about how pollination works and, of course, the hives provide you with your own source of local honey. One thing that is not commonly discussed is that honeybees are not native to North America. While honeybees are very beneficial, there are also many species of native bees that could use help too. Today we are going to talk a bit about native bees and why its important to create habitat for native pollinators, especially if you're a backyard honeybee keeper.
Read MoreEpisode 82: Pollinator Gardens with Justin Wheeler
In this episode, Hilary and guest expert Justin Wheeler of the Xerces Society will be talking about how to create an effective pollinator habitat in your garden by choosing cultivars that support beneficial insects.
Read MoreEpisode 36: Attracting Beneficial Insects & Pollinators
In this episode we talk about growing flowers specifically to attract beneficial insects to your garden. This topic ties a lot of things together. Growing flowers, organic pest management, and pollination for your veggies.
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