Starting your own onion transplants from seed is inexpensive and allows you the most control when it comes to picking varieties that are well suited for your garden and culinary needs.
Read MoreEpisode 57: Slack Q+A
Many of the topics we cover in this episode actually start to turn our attention toward Fall. This includes our own Fall garden line-ups, including our favorite carrots and kale, the best way to store seeds, a debate about self-seeding crops, and last, a tricky question about onions.
Read MoreEpisode 55: Harvest and Store Your Onions and Garlic
Garlic and onions are some of the most satisfying crops you can grow in your home garden. Garlic is generally planted in the Fall, and onions are among the first transplants to be tucked into the early spring garden. These crops are both ready to harvest at the onset of peak harvest season, a harbinger of the forthcoming abundance. Luckily the crops are happy to be stored away for us to enjoy during less bounteous times of year. In this episode, we’re sharing some tips that will help you know when your crops are ready to harvest and how to store them.
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